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Each Year APD Solutions hosts a Community and Economic Development (CED) Symposium bringing together housing, real estate and community and economic development professionals to collaborate on innovative strategies that stimulate sustainable growth in our communities. Designed to address the changing landscape of community development, the CED Symposium examines current trends industry professionals face in today’s market, including the need for affordable safe and decent housing for families and individuals, implementation of strong and effective delivery systems, and the development of innovative turnkey strategies.


The 2014 CED Symposium, “On the Rebound: Making Progress. Scoring Economically”, featured Luncheon Keynote from Doug Hooker, Executive Director of the Atlanta Regional Commission, a closing address by former Washington, DC Mayor Marion Barry, as well as many other notable industry professionals. Symposium sessions including trending and innovative topics such as  Building Entertainment Districts From Concept to Completion; Water, Education and Transportation (WET), Capital Markets, Aging in Place, and TODs, CIDs and TADs.


You can see more of our event in our Photo Gallery.

Community & Economic Development Symposium, Atlanta, GA

Tel: 678.961.4273


271 17th Street, Suite 2250, Atlanta, GA 30363

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